The year is 1986. Ronald Reagan is the President of the United States of America, with George Bush Sr. as Vice President. The average price for a gallon of gasoline is $0.93, and the population of the United States is 240 million people. The top grossing movie is Top Gun, and the lead actor, Tom Cruise, is an up-and-coming actor with Catholic beliefs. There are 26 major league baseball teams, with the best team being the New York Mets. Fast forward to the year 2012. Since 1986, we've had a total of 12 years with a Bush as President. Gas prices have gone up $3.00 per gallon, and we've added 72 million people to the U.S. population. Top Gun is now considered a cult classic, and Tom Cruise is now a Scientologist who enjoys making Mission Impossible sequels, which there are three of now. There are now 30 major league baseball teams, with the worst team being the New York Mets. Jamie Moyer's Rookie Card A lot has changed since 1986, but there is at least one thing that r...
You forgot Olivo!!!